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  • by YoshidaAkari 750

こんばんは!アカリンだよ! 久々のアフレコフルメイク動画いかがでしたか? メイクが上手くいったので調子に乗ってオープニング映像を 撮りましたwそしてイケイケの編集にしてやりましたww 自分でやっといて、、、なんか今恥ずかしいですww 感想コメント待ってます!

山型分層皂DIY - chevron handmade so...

  • by Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne 914

十月Soap Challenge Club主題【chevron山型分層】,轉來轉去總共做了17層,做到頭昏眼花了。雖然外國老師有給一份excel計算公式,但內容是用oz計算,我個人傾向用g比較精準,就自己用體積重算過每層需要的分量,幸好數學不是太爛👏

7 Concealers in 7 Days | Domin...

  • by Dominique Sachse 933

I get questions from you about what's the best concealer for mature skin. In this video, I’m demoing seven different concealers wi...

[프랑스 자수] Cozy Christmas Embroi...

  • by Silver Snow 프랑스 자수 811

📚'안녕, 자수' 서적 구매 : http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/67479017? 🌸온라인 기초 정규 클래스 : https://hobbyful.co.kr/view-class.html?id=92 🌸202...


  • by KathleenLights 1032

HEY, GUYS! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I share all of my fav beauty products from the month of November with you guys! I h...

Foxy Eye Makeup Tutorial - The...

  • by Tina Yong 804

Hey Tinnies! Today I’m showing you how to get the “Foxy Eye Makeup Look” using my best tips and tricks 😊 This look is great for th...