A week in Japan, travel diary:...
It was my 3rd time in japan, and it was the first time i went outside of Tokyo! I live Tokyo life a lot, but out of all 3 cities w...
鐵板燒鉄板焼き是一種採用鐵扒爐烹飪食物的日式料理,鐵板燒這個詞是從鐵板鉄板出來的,意思是鐵板和akiき,意思是燒烤或泛油炸日本鐵板燒是指用鐵板烹製的菜餚包括牛排蝦okonomiyaki yakisoba和monjayaki現代鐵板燒烤架通常是丙烷加熱平面烤架,廣泛用於在餐廳的客人面前烹飪食物用堅實的扒爐式烹飪表面,鐵板燒更適合較小的成分,如米飯和切碎的蔬菜
It was my 3rd time in japan, and it was the first time i went outside of Tokyo! I live Tokyo life a lot, but out of all 3 cities w...
림자수공방 프랑스자수패키지 주머니열쇠고리 만들기설명을 위한 동영상입니다.
メイの成長記録リスト作りました(*´∀`*) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1jbP_Oh9Mw&list=PLEBAKW_pTCPvB-fEaGOBXb90qHrpZL4LG
Here is my everyday natural makeup routine! (finally haha). This is a "natural" makeup look I like to wear using some of my favour...
GET ORIGINAL KNIFE HERE: https://www.almazankitchen.com/product/hand-forged-knife/ OUR CUTTING BOARDS: https://www.almazankitchen....
Catch up on yesterday episode for more information about the Paul Rubens Student Grade Watercolors https://youtu.be/Lyk86Ax60bE
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