EXCLUSIVE!! Durian Ice Cream Rolls


EXCLUSIVE!! Durian Ice Cream Rolls


Ice cream rolls with Durian fruit mix with cream for ice cream rolls and than topping with more Durain at the end



makeup therapy / classical mus...

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i love makeup & i love classical music & opera. honestly, if this put you to sleep, i will not be offended, in fact, i hope it doe...

五個一定要入手音波淨膚儀的理由 ♥ Nancy

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Clarisonic的每一款淨膚儀我都有,認真覺得他是美容界的科技大突破!用過它之後回去直接用手洗臉都覺得洗不乾淨,現在更進階可以按摩拉提跟上妝!很多人不知道它如何用,或是擔心是否可那天以天天用,今天的影片都一併解答了喔! Join the family 訂閱...

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Hoje tem tutorial didático para você aprender a bordar alguns dos nossos pontos favoritos - ponto haste, ponto atrás, ponto reto e...


  • by meetang &co. 1919

【blog も見てね !!】 http://meetangandco.blogspot.jp 【Facebook やってます !! 「いいね」してね!!】 https://www.facebook.com/meetang.and.company 【LINEス...