Most Satisfying Video On Youtu...
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Please make a small donation and help us to provide food for 355 rescued pets in our shelter paypal dogrescueshelter orgPlease help Fabio find a loving forever home by sharing his rescue video If you want to adopt little Fabio please contact us www dogrescueshelter org
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我が家のヒラリーカエルガメ、ウンキュウ達に大量のメダカを与えました 凄い勢いでメダカをバクバク食べたり、食べれなかったり とにかく可愛いので御覧ください!
できあがりサイズ 横27cm、縦16cmと13cm
Here's an update of all the succulent arrangements I created for the past 8 weeks, it shows how my succulent plants thrive and rem...
Here is the video from Cream Heroes that made me want to try this with my dogs
Sewing + DIY Dolman / Balloon Sleeve / Volume Sleeve Knit Midi Dress
[코멘트로 묻기 전에 읽어주세요 ~ ]
Oh hello! Yes, I have noticed it's nearly Halloween. That is why you are getting an extra video this week with some great techniqu...
今日は 以前にもアップしておりますが 真鰯の佃煮を作るところを撮りました! 小さな真鰯をよく洗って鍋に入れたら 刺身醤油、水飴、お酢、お湯を入れて炊きだします 生姜を下ろした絞り汁を入れたら 落とし蓋をして濃い緑茶も入れて この日は 二時間半炊き一晩冷まし 翌...
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