Big egg waffle with whipped cr...
Hello This is the "yummy yammy" channel. it is a channel with the purpose of introducing various food and street food Are you read...
옆면의 원단 사이즈 정정 합니다 사이즈를 잘못 표기 하였어요 죄송 합니다 20cmx18cm로 표기한 사이즈를 10cmx18cm로 수정 합니다 착오없이 만드시길 바랍니다 거듭 죄송 합니다The size of the fabric on the side will be corrected I misrepresented the size I m sorry The size indicated by 20cmx18cm is corrected to 10cmx18cm Please make it without error I m sorry again사각으로 접히는 지퍼 파우치 입니다 크게 사용하는 파우치로도 좋지만 작게 만들어 필통으로 많이 사용합니다 자유로운 사이즈로 예쁘게 만들어 보세요 This Zipped Pouch can be folded into a rectangle It could be used not only as a big pouch but also as a pencil case once you make it a smaller shape Feel free to play around with its various sizes
Hello This is the "yummy yammy" channel. it is a channel with the purpose of introducing various food and street food Are you read...
今回、カバンの中身と冬用のポーチの中身持ち運びコスメをご紹介しました! こだわりのリップと香水は、本当におすすめなのでぜひチェックしてください👀💕 皆さんが持ち歩いてるコスメも、ぜひコメント欄で教えてください❤️
Floral Toenail Art Tutorial | Summer Pedicure ♥ YOU MIGHT RECOGNISE THIS DESIGN- I CONVERTED ONE OF M...
ケーキの箱の形をしたバッグは フランシュリッペというブランドで💕 服も小物も、めちゃくちゃ可愛いので 見てみてください😍
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3年前のメイク動画はこちら! メイクで変身!すっぴんからフルメイクまで全て公開☆My Everyday Makeup Japanese 2014
クリスマスオーナメントの第2弾は、 キラキラの星と氷の粒をイメージしたガーランドです。 ツリーの飾り付けが楽しみです♪
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