ツイッター▶▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/theoshio ブログ▶▶Visit our blog: http://www.okyn.jp 飼い主メルマガ▶▶http://www.mag2.com/m/0001603272.htm...
I m Testing the new Pat McGrath SUBLIME PERFECTION Foundation Primer and Powder plus almost everything else Pat McGrath I own xo s Tati Toddler picks my makeup MAKEUP WORN FACE Skin Fetish Sublime Primer 60 Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Foundation 68 Catrice Camouflage Concealer 010Skin Fetish Foundation Brush 55 Skin Fetish Powder Brush 58Skin Fetish Sublime Powder light medium 55 Laura Geller baked Bronzer Eyes Wunder Eye Primer Mothership V 125 Mothership 125 Mothership 125 Permagel Ultra Glide shade espresso black 28Brows Mothership 2 65 Rich brown Mothership Subliminal 65 metallic Lips Lip Fetish Balm Blow Up Permagel Lip Pencil Done Undone 28 Matte Trance Peep Show 40 Blitztrance 40Lust Gloss 40 S N A P C H A T I N S T A G R A M T W I T T E R F A C E B O O K E M A I LTati GlamLifeGuru comFTC DISCLAIMER This video is Not Sponsored and there are no affiliate links WRITE TO ME HERETati Westbrook1905 Wilcox AveSuite 111Los Angeles CA 90068All Rights Reserved 2019 Tati Westbrook Hi I m Tati from GlamLifeGuru thank you for watching my video please be sure to check out my collection of makeup videos where you ll find my best beauty tips tricks and favorites on everything from top luxury cosmetics to my favorite drugstore makeup Whether you re looking for a new product review tutorial beauty tip haul or perhaps even a giveaway I hope you enjoy watching
ツイッター▶▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/theoshio ブログ▶▶Visit our blog: http://www.okyn.jp 飼い主メルマガ▶▶http://www.mag2.com/m/0001603272.htm...
안녕하세요~ 오늘도 제 채널에 방문해주셔서 감사드립니다~! 이번 영상에는 초콜릿이 코팅된 마들렌 레시피가 포함되어 있어요~ 과정이 복잡하지 않아서 쉽게 따라 만드실 수 있을거예요:) 그럼 이번 영상도 재밌게 시청해주세요~~💗😘😘
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