
by 志銘與狸貓



志銘 這集回答了好多問題呢 狸貓 累死我們惹 阿瑪打擾醫院的四件事 完整版歡迎替我們翻譯 黃阿瑪的後宮生活 被貓咪包圍的日子 志銘與狸貓 我們是黃阿瑪的奴才 平時在米花映像從事廣告等相關工作 這裡除了會放FB上的直播記錄 瑪瑪信箱 和 主題直播 之外 還會放一些生活的Vlog 阿瑪影片的花絮畫面 但貓的畫面會相對來得少些 如果想單純看貓 歡迎去阿瑪的頻道訂閱喔



Applying Gold Leaf

  • by Karolina Szymkiewicz 1363

A short film of Karolina Szymkiewicz (www.karolful.com) applying the gold leaf to the "MA" exhibition artwork. Please visit K...

Beginner Eye Makeup Using One ...

  • by TheMakeupChair 1073

SUBSCRIBE it’s FREE ► https://goo.gl/t4ZY2V Click the little bell (beside the subscribe box) to turn on post notifications so you...

【UVレジン 100均】とっても簡単!オリエンタル調ピアス作...

  • by TKM channel 1606

今年は沢山の方々に動画観て頂けてとても良い年でした。ありがとうございました!来年もどうぞよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m セリアのとっても小さい菱形の台座を使ってオリエンタル調のピアスを作ってみました!観て頂けたら嬉しいです(^^♪

Street Cat Rescue: Duke

  • by Flatbush Cats 900

Sometimes if a friendly street cat is very shy, you may need to trap them to help. Follow Duke's journey to VIP life!

Chats, Cats and Makeup for Sta...

  • by Lisa Eldridge 976

I filmed this on Monday this week and wasn't sure whether to upload as it's obviously a truely terrible time for the world and so ...