[작업일기 1] SBS Documentary 자수 메이...
🎤 E-mail : eunsul9988@hanmail.net 🎤Naver Blog : http://blog.naver.com/eunsul9988 📸Instagram : @silver_snow_ 🎤Store(구멍가게): https://...
いつもご視聴くださりありがとうございます 使用糸 ダイソーメランジ スモーキーグレー1 5玉 ナチュラルベージュ 1 8玉使用針 10号 6 ヘリンボーンステッチの編み方 あまだんご かぎ針編み ヘリンボーンステッチ
🎤 E-mail : eunsul9988@hanmail.net 🎤Naver Blog : http://blog.naver.com/eunsul9988 📸Instagram : @silver_snow_ 🎤Store(구멍가게): https://...
Hey guys! In this video I'll be swatching and reviewing the new Essie Winter 2018 Collection and the Concrete Glitters collection....
有被貓撩過嗎?沒的話現在進來看看 分享給你的朋友看~ 讓幾噗撩的你心臟噗通噗通跳 ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here's a video where I try out the new Colourpop Wild Nothing collection and give you my first impressio...
本影片與Maybelline合作 ==影片中用到的底妝產品== ♡FIT ME 反孔特霧粉底液 這個真的滿萬無一失的, 適用膚質廣 妝效自然妝感服貼度也很好 ♡FIT ME遮遮稱奇遮瑕膏 ♡FIT ME空氣絲絨蜜粉 這個!!!從去年就被我激推到現在終於台灣也買...
A lot of you guys have been asking me what I've been doing in quarantine & how I have been doing during this time, so I decided to...
I’ve rounded up some of my favourite pink and peach tones to get us into a spring mood. It’s a bouquet of bronzers, dewy blushes, ...
Little sisters can be so annoying! This Bernese mountain dog is growing up with a tiny tuxedo cat. Sometimes they annoy each other...
うさうずちゃんねるさん https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovEubZM1CEVAdU3ytOcFEQ
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