Leather Build Along 6: Turned Leather Messenger and Tote Bags

by Ian Atkinson

Leather Build Along 6: Turned Leather Messenger and Tote Bags


This is the sixth build along video in which we are making turned leather messenger and tote bags Once you have purchased the pattern using the link above you may watch the video if you preview the video please be sure to purchase the pattern afterwards as these are not intended to be free videos INDEX 00 00 00 IntroBag 100 07 33 1 1 00 15 44 1 200 19 45 1 300 24 38 1 400 28 27 1 500 36 15 1 600 41 12 1 700 49 48 1 800 53 26 1 900 59 29 1 1001 05 47 1 1101 12 25 1 1201 21 52 1 1301 30 01 1 1401 35 18 1 1501 48 02 1 16Bag 202 02 11 Tote Bag02 13 11 Strap TestExtras02 15 15 Panelling02 25 30 Zips02 30 07 Closure Mechanisms02 31 56 Welted Seam02 43 12 Piped Seam




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