I Tried Instagram Hairstyles for a Week (Short Hair) - Kayley Melissa

by Kayley Melissa

I Tried Instagram Hairstyles for a Week (Short Hair) - Kayley Melissa


In today s video I tried instagram hairstyles for a week on my short hair You guys loved my last I Tried Instagram Hairstyles for a Week video so much I wanted to make another Instagram hair tutorial on my short hair I m showing you how to do these Insta hair styles and bringing IG to real life in this short hair tutorial We ve got tutorials for dutch pull through braids some easy waves an instagram baddie look and more I am so excited to share this short hairstyles IG tutorial video with you Huge shoutout to milabu co stephweizman claudiasulewski amberfillerup justinemarjan amandagonz for the original inspiration Products I used Follow and Chat With Me My Website www kayleymelissa com Instagram KayleyMelissa Pinterest kayleymelissa FB kayleymelissa Twitter kayleymelissa For business inquiries kayleymelissa mattermediagroup com Mailing Address Kayley Melissa4441 106 Six Forks Rd 165Raleigh NC 27609FTC This Video is not sponsored Some links are affiliate links which means I make a small commission if you purchase through the link




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