10 DIYs and Tips That Will Help You Stop Depression – DIY Room Decor And Cheer-Up Tips

by IdunnGoddess

10 DIYs and Tips That Will Help You Stop Depression – DIY Room Decor And Cheer-Up Tips


Colorful DIY Room Decor Ideas and tips that might cheer you up if you re felling sad depressed or just in a bad mood Hanging Planters Funny Dice Game Psychological Wall Clock Rainbow Jewelry Bowls Colorful Drawing like Rorschach Test and tips how to reduce your stress level and improve your mood Enjoy First of all I must say I know what is depression what is anxiety and phobia And all those tips I show in the video help me a lot every time I m not in better mood Maybe you would think why she didn t say write LOL a word about exercises food and deep sleep Umm Yep you d be right But all those advises could be given only by specialists and by those ppl who have never been depressed Because when you are depressed you can t even stand up You just don t see a point You don t want to eat and you sleep bad My tips are tested by myself They don t push on action they are passive and seriously help So truly hope my video will be helpful for you too DIYsDoing crafts not art is really helpful So I start with DIY Hanging Planter And if you will plant mint or basil it could also be the best natural air freshener and tasty fresh accent in your tea All you need a wood cutting board plastic flower pot without drainage hole screw and plant I recommend mint To fill your room with minty air just touch leaves And of course mint is a great stress helper Just squeeze one leaf with fingers and put into your tea The next one DIY Funny Dice Game Just play it when you feel lonely and do actions they show One die is for actions and another one is for time Here are actions I wrote Jump Smile Clap your hands Pull your ears Arms up Sing a song And time 1 minute 40 seconds 30 sec 20 sec 10 sec and 5 sec Pretty easy and helpful The third project is a DIY Psychological Wall Clock I m seriously in love with it It is colorful smart creative beautiful and easy to do And it is always fun to check what time is it Creativity past Fun or Love to Peace LOL Or it can help you with an advice what to do right now If it is two o clock which is yellow color creativity in my case you could create something Or if it is eight o clock which is brown comfort you could drink a cup of coffee light candles and to everything that makes you feel comfortable and cozy The fourth DIY Rainbow Jewelry Bowls are great for those who want to make something cool and quick Pretty easy idea but I like it Just a tip rotate bowl as shown in the video few times to have gradient effect Number 5 DIY Positive Colorful à la Rorschach Test I love it You can draw whatever you want any lines and shapes and to get an absolutely amazing result Just do it quickly cause paints dry fast TipsI start with an absolutely easy but really helpful tip wear glasses sunglasses or safety glasses whatever with yellow lenses You will trick your brain into believing you re getting more natural sunlight Everything especially outside when it is raining becomes bright and you re mood gets better Watch TV or YouTube take shower cook whatever It will help It helps me The next one is a contrast shower If you have strength to stand up and go have a bath trust me better take a cold hot cold hot shower It will make you feel full of energy Don t take it for long just few switches from cold to hot I take 1 minute cold water the switch to hot water also for a minute and repeat it three times Deep Breathing is next I have read so many researches about it s benefits But I don t have any right to retell them because I m not a medical expert LOL So I would just say 3 times in and out is enough for me to balance my mental state if I can say so I feel just balanced and calm after breathing And my S Health in my Samsung shows I always have 100 SpO2 level after breathing Moving on chew toys for dogs Yeah It s great Everyone knows about a theory that massaging your foot can activate or normalize your every organ s function I wouldn t say I m a big fan of that theory but anyway it feels so good LOL And the last tip my favourite watch comedies I highly recommend to watch Mr Bean I just adore Rowan Atkinson His character Mister Bean is the highest level of perfection in art You can find him on YouTube Mr Bean with verify symbol But sure you can watch any comedy that makes you happy Because laughter decreases stress and triggers body s natural feel good chemicals Love you Love Create Discover Idunn



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