
by ayakful アヤクフル



100 秒 DIY フラフープを回しながら100秒で水引の平梅作りにチャレンジします 果たして成功なるか 簡単かわいい水引での平梅の作り方です 特技のフラフープにもご注目 作り方の解説編は明日公開予定 How to make HIRAUME Mizuhiki and hula hoop at the same time



Ayato Sakamaki (Diabolik Lover...

  • by Jukan Kyokou 2562

Yosh cookies! I'm really sorry for the late, I should have uploaded this video quite a while ago now but so many unexpected things...

an early morning 7 a.m. journa...

  • by ashleyoutpaged 977

helllluuu!! For some reason I decided to wake up at 7 a.m.and journal. What is wrong with me? ha hope you all enjoy this lil trave...