
by hiro hiro



12cm 86cm 生地1枚子供用 小学生 に作ってみました 大人用に作る場合は10cmくらい長く作ってみて下さい 100均材料手ぬぐいアルミ針金 1 0mm ワイヤークラフト用セリアで購入 布用接着剤 セリア ペンチボンドや手縫いで簡単に作れます



Funniest Videos for Pets to Wa...

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Do you like just putting on the TV and leave something for your pets to watch? Why not put on this 2 hour compilation of the funni...

Making a Velvet Fantasy Robe

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And as promised, here is the second video about this years holiday project - making a fantasy inspired velvet robe!

30+ Bullet Journal Doodle Idea...

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In this video i give you doodle ideas that you can use in your bullet journal. The doodles range from plants to food to random ite...