2019 花藝作品巡禮 Gordons Collections

by Gordon Lee

2019 花藝作品巡禮 Gordons Collections


花藝2000插花招生 查詢 WhatsApp 95003123李太花藝2000地址 九龍太子運動場道21 27號運泰大廈2樓 B3室Mr Gordon Lee Principal and Creative DirectorFloral Art 2OOO Designer of Computer floral material CD Flower Piano Chairman of Creatics Floral Designers Union Founder of Creatics Former Director of Ideal Floral Design Centre Approved website designer Macromedia currently Creative Director of Floral Art 2OOO Floral Instructor of Instituto de Formcao Turistica Macao More than 24 floral works being posted on the international magazine LIBETbI since 2013 Columnist of Former Christian Channel City Telecom Frequently interviewed by Hong Kong Newspaper and Media Appointed as Chief Designer in the International Orchid Expo venue in 2004 Established the 1st Cantonese floral art demonstrations YouTube channel in 2009 Acquired over 70 300 worldwide Subscribers from Gordon Lee Channel and over 17 000 000 views Conducting more than 70 Floral Classes in Hong Kong churches 30 years of teaching experience with more than 8 000 students since 1988 Organised over 10 individiual exhibitions of floral creation since 1991 Participated in Hong Kong Flower Show since 1990 Currently appointed as Honorary Advisor of different Churches and flower shops in Hong Kong Website designer of www flower2000 com hk please visit my Art Gallery and Facebook Fan Page歡迎瀏覽Gordon Lee藝術館 更多精彩花藝作品 Gordon Lee Fan Page歡迎訂閱插花示範頻道Subscription of Gordon Lee Channel香港花藝設計大師 Gordon Lee花藝2OOO校長兼創作總監李錦章先生 Gordon Lee 電腦插花素材光碟 花琴 設計人 自學插花系列 電子書作者兼製作人 Macromedia認可綱站設計師 花藝設計師聯盟CFD主席 CREATICS 創意主流派始創人 前美意插花學校校長 現任花藝2OOO課程及創作總監 2013年於澳門旅遊學院擔任花藝導師 2013年有超過25件作品獲刊登於國際權威花藝雜誌 LIBETbI flower magazine 曾任城市電訊基督教頻道花藝專欄作家 01年獲節目主持人顧紀筠小姐專訪 ecmind com 03年獲東方報業集團太陽報專題訪問 04年獲TVB週刊專題訪問結婚花球製作心得 04年獲國際蘭花博覽會委任指定場館設計師 09年創立首個Youtube香港插花示範頻道Gordon Lee 12年成立首間虛擬藝術館 Gordon Lee s Art Gallery 99至2012年間共到過80多間教會開辦教會插花班 30年教花經驗 學生人數超過6 000名 由91年開始舉辦超過10次個人花藝創作展覽 由90年開始獲康文署邀請參展香港花卉展覽 現任多間教會及花店榮譽顧問及插花導師 www flower2000 com hk及flowerworld com hk 網站設計人花藝2000地址 中文地址 花藝2000九龍太子運動場道21 27號運泰大廈2樓 B3室英文地址 Floral Art 2000Rm B3 2 F Right Time Building21 27 Playing Field RoadPrince Edward Kowloon電郵 info flower2000 com hk




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