Lancome絕對完美光蜜唇萃全試色+三個Mix & Match用法!♥ Nancy

by Ksnancy

Lancome絕對完美光蜜唇萃全試色+三個Mix & Match用法!♥ Nancy


最近討論度很高的Lancome絕對完美光蜜唇萃全試色來了 有一陣子沒有拍試色影片都忘記唇膏試色有多累 哈哈嘴巴卸了幾十次到後面都覺得變嘟嘟嘴了 XD今天除了10色全試色之外 還分享3種 mix match的用法跟我自己私心最推薦的三個色號喔 More Nancy over here I N S T A G R A M nancy_blogger Business Inquiries nancy_blogger hotmail com More information about this video LANCOME絕對完美玫瑰豐唇蜜LANCOME絕對完美玫瑰潤色護唇膏LANCOME絕對完美光蜜唇萃 Edited using Adobe Premiere 徵求字幕 Subtitle Wanted 徵求中英文字幕 如果你有提交字幕 麻煩來信nancy_blogger hotmail com 通知我 我會寄送小禮物給你喔 This Video is sponsored by Lancome



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