Shell and Chrome Flakes Acrylic Inlay

by Nail Career Education

Shell and Chrome Flakes Acrylic Inlay


Suzie tries a new technique creating an Acrylic Inlay with Shell Flakes Chrome Flakes and Caviar Beads This detailed step by step video includes using the E File and many other great Pro Tips Products featured in this video Fuzion Forms by Fuzion Gel100 Kolinsky Acrylic Nail Brush by Joya MiaUgly Duckling E file Cordless Rechargeable Suzie purchased the Shell and Ice Mylar Flakes Caviar Beads and Chrome Powder at a Nail Show The ones linked below are the same or similar to what she purchased Abalone Shell 3D Nail Art Decorations Ice Mylar Shell FoilCaviar Plastic BeadsChrome PowdersSuzie was not paid to promote the products in this video and does not receive a commission from sales Some of the products used in this video Suzie purchased herself and some were given to Suzie to try Links to products are provided as a courtesy to Suzie s viewers who are interested in finding the products online Looking for a video Suzie has done Check out her Instant Search Video Catalog that makes it easy to find specific videos Follow Suzie on Instagram Suzie invites you to share your own nail design photos with her on Instagram with the hashtag nailcareereducation You can also follow Suzie __Music All music of the composers Music Licensed through




  • by ayakful アヤクフル 1964

ついつい集めてしまう折り紙の収納方法のご紹介です! できるだけコンパクトに、見つけやすく取り出しやすい収納を意識しています。 ポイントは「1つの柄につき1つの収納(今回の場合は透明な袋収納)」! 量の少ない方や持ち運びをしたい方にはファイリングがオススメです。...