Hamster in a coconut

by VanillaHamHam

 Hamster in a coconut


Vanilla when he first got his little coconut hanging house Instagram Facebook Twitter vanillahamham tag me in if you try any of the DIYs I d love to see them Submit subtitles most requested Support my work on PatreonThank you to my Patreons Mika Huotari CyanicKnight Christine Vincent Eridanne Ampora Jacob Holden Mike Ryan Blythe Stensgaard and Huami Font Sana sana s12 xrea com



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- 안동찜닭은 조선 시대 안동의 부촌인 ‘안쪽 동네’에서 닭찜을 해 먹는 것을 보고 ‘바깥 동네’ 사람들이 붙인 이름이라는 설도 있고, 안동 구시장의 통닭 골목상인들이 서양식 프라이드치킨의 인기에 위기를 느껴 변화를 시도하다 만들어 ...

Ultimate Sticky Buns

  • by Laura in the Kitchen 1807

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: http://www.LauraintheKitchen.com

he not want walk

  • by Rapid Liquid 1933

The good bois are very sleepy and only want to sit and snooze ^^ . 1 like = 1 nugger and bepis to recharge doggo =)