How to make a pineapple cake Kawaii fruit cakes

by Zoes Fancy Cakes

How to make a pineapple cake Kawaii fruit cakes


How to make a Kawaii pineapple cake I have been wanting to make some fruit themed cakes for a little while now so I decided to start with a pineapple cake What other things would you guys like to see as cakes comment below Tools and products used in the video Basic Victoria sponge cake recipe Ingredients 225g butter225g caster sugar4 eggs225g self raising flour 1 tsp vanilla essenceMethod Cream together the butter and sugar then beat in the eggs and vanilla essence Once smooth and creamy fold in the flour Pour in to a greased cake tin and bake in the oven at 180degrees for approximately 40 minutes until golden brown and a knife comes out clean Buttercream recipe 600g icing sugar sifted300g unsalted or salted butter softenedoptional flavouringBeat the ingredients together Chocolate ganache recipe To make chocolate ganache you can simply melt chocolate with double cream in a glass bowl above a pan of boiling water I use the hob to heat the water but be sure to turn this right down once the chocolate begins to melt so it doesn t burn I use the ratio of 3 to 1 chocolate to double cream To see more of my cakes and creations please visit my pages below You can also check out my online courses with 25 off below




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