
by Fabio Cembranelli



Follow me on Instagram cembranelliDon t forget to Turn On Post Notifications and subscribe to my youtube channel Watercolor demonstration by the Brazilian watercolorist Fábio Cembranelli MaterialsPaper Moulin du Roy Cold Pressed Grain Fin 300 g m Colors Tubes New Gamboge Daniel Smith Burnt Sienna Winsor Newton Cadmium Red Light Schmincke Manganese Blue Hue Daniel Smith Indian Yellow Maimeri Blu Perylene Maroon Winsor Newton Winsor Red Deep Winsor Newton French Ultramarine Winsor Newton Quinacridone Gold Winsor Newton Burnt Umber Winsor Newton Permanent Alizarin Crimson Winsor Newton Ultramarine Violet Schmincke Translucent Orange Schmincke Opera Rose Holbein Quinacridone Magenta Winsor Newton Green Gold Winsor Newton Daniel Smith Quinacridone Burnt Orange Daniel Smith Quinacridone Red Winsor Newton Cobalt Blue Winsor Newton Leaf Green Holbein Permanent Sap Green Winsor Newton Holbein Daler Rowney Viridian Winsor Newton Shadow Violet Daniel Smith Brushes Synthetic Brushes onlywww fabiocembranelli comwww facebook com cembranelliwww instagram com cembranelli



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