Watercolor Hummingbird Tutoria...
MY BOOK IS OUT!!! I am so excited and I hope you guys love it. (Where to buy link below).
These 3 Ingredient Banana Oatmeal Breakfast are the perfect healthy grab and go back to school breakfast or after school snack FAVORITE FOODS KITCHEN TOOLS FOLLOW CLEAN DELICIOUS ON SOCIAL 3 INGREDIENT BANANA OATMEAL BREAKFAST COOKIES1 5 cups oatmeal I used 1 2 cup rolled and 1 cup quick 2 medium bananas1 3 cup mini chocolate chipsDIRECTIONSPreheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit Line a rimmed baking sheet with a silpat mat or coat with some cooking spray Using the back of a fork mash bananas in a medium bowl until they are broken down Add in oats and gently stir until all of the oats and bananas are mixed together and look like a thick cookie batter Now your ready to add the chocolate chips Sprinkle them into the dough and stir until they are just mixed throughout Scoop one heaping tablespoon of the dough into your hands and free form into a cookie Place on cookie sheet and continue until you have 12 cookies Cook for 12 15 minutes or until set through and lightly golden Cool and enjoy NOTE these cookies will not spread in the oven so be sure to form them into a cookie before placing on baking sheet Makes 16 cookiesNutrients per cookie Calories 67 Total Fat 2 1g Saturated Fat 1g Cholesterol 0mg Carbohydrate 11 8g Dietary Fiber 1 3g Sugars 5g Protein 1 3gClean Delicious is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon com This does not cost you a thing Shopping through our links is an easy way to support Clean Delicious and we appreciate and are super grateful for your support
MY BOOK IS OUT!!! I am so excited and I hope you guys love it. (Where to buy link below).
안녕하세요 포니입니다! 짧았지만 1박 2일 동안 혼자만의 호캉스를 다녀왔어요! :D 혼자 있으니 생각도 많아지고 요즘 느끼는 생각들을 이것저것 말하다 보니 수다 위주의 영상이 됐네요! 재밌게 봐주세요 :)
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もも「スイカだー💕これ大好き(*^◯^*)💕」 天「ス、スイカ?見た事も聞いた事もないニャ(´・ω・`)」
天「自分、不器用ですから…」 もも「^ ^」
SWR Theatermalerin Maxi Holder gibt Tipps zu den Basics der Aquarell-Malerei.
Remember Nikkie's "nice" holiday makeup look? This week, she's back with a "naughty" look, think sultry eyes and a vampy lip! She ...
こんにちは! ハンドメイド作家のcocotteです。 ご視聴いただきありがとうございます。
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