Crystal Lace Bracelet Tutorial
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These 3 Ingredient Banana Oatmeal Breakfast are the perfect healthy grab and go back to school breakfast or after school snack FAVORITE FOODS KITCHEN TOOLS FOLLOW CLEAN DELICIOUS ON SOCIAL 3 INGREDIENT BANANA OATMEAL BREAKFAST COOKIES1 5 cups oatmeal I used 1 2 cup rolled and 1 cup quick 2 medium bananas1 3 cup mini chocolate chipsDIRECTIONSPreheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit Line a rimmed baking sheet with a silpat mat or coat with some cooking spray Using the back of a fork mash bananas in a medium bowl until they are broken down Add in oats and gently stir until all of the oats and bananas are mixed together and look like a thick cookie batter Now your ready to add the chocolate chips Sprinkle them into the dough and stir until they are just mixed throughout Scoop one heaping tablespoon of the dough into your hands and free form into a cookie Place on cookie sheet and continue until you have 12 cookies Cook for 12 15 minutes or until set through and lightly golden Cool and enjoy NOTE these cookies will not spread in the oven so be sure to form them into a cookie before placing on baking sheet Makes 16 cookiesNutrients per cookie Calories 67 Total Fat 2 1g Saturated Fat 1g Cholesterol 0mg Carbohydrate 11 8g Dietary Fiber 1 3g Sugars 5g Protein 1 3gClean Delicious is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon com This does not cost you a thing Shopping through our links is an easy way to support Clean Delicious and we appreciate and are super grateful for your support
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ちくたくの手芸塾 第43回目 ビジューブローチの作り方
#減脂餐#瘦身#美食 現在是以瘦為美的年代,很多人為了減肥,強制自己節食。今天給大家分享五款美味的瘦身湯,讓大家在減肥的同時也可以享受美食。 烹飪美食,愛食物和寵物。烹飪故事的生活美學!
朝からご飯食べてうんちしてテレビ見て寝て幸せいっぱいのくんちゃんです 現在生後2ヶ月と20日!
この冬は発泡スチロールの箱が大人気でした。Maru&Hana liked the Styrofoam box in this winter.
Now you all know that I LOVE the HUDA Beauty Nude Palette. Even though I feel like there was room for a few browner, greyer shades...
Shasha Creative World #AllOverDesign #ShashaCreativeWorld Thanks
#mochi #Warabiko #warabi
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