3 Minimal, Elegant and EASY Manicures for Fall + GIVEAWAY!

by JauntyJuli

3 Minimal, Elegant and EASY Manicures for Fall + GIVEAWAY!


Hey guys In this video I ll be showing you three elegant nail designs that are easy to do and perfect for fall Big thank you to Maxus for sponsoring this video I know you ll love the polishes as much as I do Check out MaxusNails com and use code JauntyJuli to save 30 on your order free shipping And if you d like to win the polishes from this video just leave me a comment about your favorite fall nail polish or manicure You must be over 18 or have your parents permission And this giveaway is only open to the US The contest will go for two weeks and then I ll randomly select a winner and reply back to your comment Also head over to my Instagram and enter the giveaway there for double chances of winning YOU LL LIKE THIS TUTORIALSAY HI Snapchat JauntyJuliSome links above may be affiliated and some items used may be PR Samples All opinions on these products are true and honest and they are mine I will only recommend products that I like and I know my audience will enjoy as well I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning the endorsements and testimonials in advertising




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今日は #世界ビールデー !ということでオススメのおつまみを紹介しますね。 中火で熱した卵焼き器にチーズを敷いてしらすと茹でた枝豆をババーッとかけたら弱火で5分くらい待つだけで激ウマおつまみができます。カリカリになったチーズがたまらない…味が濃いめなのでビール...