3d Printing Pen Review: Scribbler v2

by Official Rainbow Girl

3d Printing Pen Review: Scribbler v2


New Recommendation Asia Europe Scribbler lowered the price for international shipments enabled the 30 off Coupon Code Rainbow therefore i would recommend everyone buy from this pen from Scribbler If your in Asia or Europe I used to recommend buying from a Chinese company but several of my viewers have had issues with them If you re still interested in buying from them you can check out my blog for more detail and for the links to their productsWhere can I buy 1 75mm Plastic Scribbler Scribbler is an American company They ship for free within the US provide a clear owner s manual other companies don t warranty 30 day return policy and great customer service If you re interested in buying one make sure you use my coupon code rainbow for 30 off Check back on Saturday for my next video I will be reviewing version 3 of this pen as well as comparing it to the 3doodler 2 0 Also if you like my videos please share them Follow me on this stuff too MUSIC I USED IN THIS VIDEO Young Republicans by Steve CombsAvailable on the Free Music Archive freemusicarchive org



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