3D Textured Roses in a Vase Mixed Media Art on Canvas Tutorial DIY

by StudioSilverCreek

3D Textured Roses in a Vase Mixed Media Art on Canvas Tutorial DIY


Roses in a Vase D I Y mixed media art on canvas Textured 3 D art made with handmade roses and painted artificial flowers on a crackled canvas ART SUPPLIES Featured in this video For Mixed Media Roses Black Gesso tweezers sponge brush red craft paint small filbert paint brush disposable plate cup and gloves plastic drop sheet For Mixed Media Leaves and Flowers Black Gesso artificial flowers small paint brush green yellow purple and lilac craft paint For Mixed Media Vase hot glue dispenser hot glue sticks parchment paper black gesso gold craft paint sponge cardboard recycled packaging ruler pencil and scissors For Mixed Media Canvas 10 x 10 canvas brown paint crackle medium matte medium matte varnish off white craft paint flat paint brush angled paint brush and black craft paint Shop for products used in this project FOLLOW ME ON MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA StudioSilverCreek All Rights Reserved Videos produced by StudioSilverCreek are intended for your personal use only MUSIC CREDITS Wish You d Come True By The 126ers The Bluest Star Youtube Audio Library




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