We all have UGLY Fabric We are given some of it sometimes it comes with other fabric or simply over time our tastes change Here s a fast easy quilt block pattern that turns into a quilt in no time It s easily modified to fit the fabric that you have And I have four other ways to use those ugly fabrics as well So grab your cuppa and sit back Subscribe for more FREE tips for better sewing dealing with your stash and managing Mt ScrapMore Recommended Video Series You Should Check Out SCRAPBUSTER BLOCKS QUILTS AND ORGANIZATIONTIPS TRICKS FOR BETTER RESULTSCOLOUR YOUR QUILT The Colour Theory SeriesUltimate 3 In 1 Color ToolAlarm Timer Cubettps amzn to 2yfDxKhFREE FAST EASY STASHBUSTER QUILTSDownload my FREE Fast and Easy Stashbuster Patterns My Most Watched Videos BUDGET SEWING TOOLS HACKS FROM THE DOLLAR STOREQUILTING 5 SEWING HACKS WITH MASKING TAPEYou can find me hanging out most days onInstagram JustGetItDoneQuiltsFacebook JustGetItDoneQuiltsFeel free to email me info justgetitdonequilts comOr by snail mailJust Get It Done Quilts3911 Chesswood DrNorth York ON M3J 2R8Video Equipment I use Editing software iMovieDISCLAIMER This description contains affiliate links which means that if you click on one of the product links I ll receive a small commission This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this Thank you for your support
今日はスペシャルイベント『ふたばのごはんタイム』。最初はまず飼育員さんにクラッタリングとお辞儀でごあいさつ!! Futaba bows at the keeper before the meal time.
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Knase is a wonderful tangle from Zentangle.com. I love the simplicity of this tangle but it also has its own beauty. I find mysel...
I haven’t done one of these classic how to care for your houseplant videos in a while and I’ve been getting a lot of questions abo...
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