7 HALLOWEEN Hacks + DIYS youve NEVER Seen Before!!

by xoJahtna

7 HALLOWEEN Hacks + DIYS youve NEVER Seen Before!!


Welcome back to my channel guys I missed you all so much In today s video I m going to show you 7 HALLOWEEN Hacks DIYS you NEVER Seen Before including three ways on how to make a diy prosthetic halloween bloody and spooky makeup effects using hot glue how to make spooky halloween glow in the dark balloons for cheap and cool halloween party decorations how to make a scary skeleton hand night light a freaky skeleton hand jewelry organizer and holder and lastly a glitter hack for halloween costumes this year LET ME KNOW WHICH ONE WAS YOUR FAVORITE IF YOU RE READING THIS comment HotGlue4Lyfe PWhat videos do you want to see next Anyway love you guys Instagram xoJahtnaSnapchat xoJahtnaI hope you enjoy watching my video 7 HALLOWEEN Hacks DIYS you NEVER Seen Before What videos do you want to see next Leave your requests below Jahtnah gmail com



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