Best Makeup Transformations 20...
Best Makeup Transformations 2020 | New Makeup Tutorials Compilation
CONTACT INFO SOCIAL MEDIAINSTAGRAM lisajmakeup Hi Friends I hope you enjoy this video What are thoughts on these mistakes Agree or disagree Love to hear what you think below What are your Makeup No Nos Please note some of the products I use in the video during the Mistakes Footage are products I do like and use But it s all in how you pair them with other products that I wanted to illustrate For example I use the Supergoop Matte Primer with the Bare Minerals Foundation I like both products but together they are too mattifying for the skin for me I would opt to use a more hydrating primer for that particular foundation or skip on altogether Hope that makes sense CODES PRODUCTS MENTIONED AND WORN IN VIDEO Timecodes 0 00 Intro0 58 1 Not Preparing the Skin Properly 2 38 2 Using Wrong or Too Much Foundation4 33 3 Using the Right Concealer 6 33 4 Do Not Excessively Powder Your Skin 8 35 5 Do Not Use Too Much or Too Dark of Blush 10 10 6 Over lining the Lower Lash Line12 02 7 Assess the Lips and Determine which Products You Need MAILING ADDRESS Lisa J3660 Stoneridge RdSuite G 101Austin TX 78746 For business inquires only please lisa lisajblog com MY BEAUTY GO TOS AUSTIN TX Tell them I sent youHAIR GRACIE SILVAS at Ritual Salon Burnet Road Austin TX or INSTAGRAM BeautyLoveGrace or www BeautyLoveGrace com
Best Makeup Transformations 2020 | New Makeup Tutorials Compilation
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