A Midsummer Nights Dream // OIL PAINTING TIMELAPSE

by Lioba Brückner

A Midsummer Nights Dream // OIL PAINTING TIMELAPSE


Hey my lovelies This video is about the process of Une nuit d été This oil painting is for the upcoming auction at the bad apple artist collective with the theme a midsummer night s dream Visit our Facebook event of the auction PATREONFor more painting videos merchandise original art and more join me on Patreon M A T E R I A L S If you want to support my art you can purchase through the Amazon links listed below I get a tiny percentage of the sale and every little bit helps MY PALETTEOil paints are very expensive I know For beginning artists I d recommend to start with studio quality paints and then replace one color after another with professional paints or you start with only a few colors ultramarine blue white black burnt sienna lemon yellow and cadmium red light Magenta from Schmincke Norma Alizarin Crimson from Sennelier Titanium white from Schmincke Norma Royal Blue from Schmincke Norma Olive Green from Schmincke Norma Other Materials Music by Amarante Music Rob Steez Vibe Eternal The Legend of Zelda Serenade of Water piano version by Shix



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