A tour of the BEST Tsukemen (Dipping Noodle) Ramen Shops in Tokyo!

by Glorious Gluttony

A tour of the BEST Tsukemen (Dipping Noodle) Ramen Shops in Tokyo!


In this video we visit three famous Ramen Tsukemen shops in Tokyo Tsukemen is a soupless version of ramen where you dip thick and chewey noodles into a concentrated broth It is a completely different experience compared to regular soup ramen and It is one of my favorite dishes to enjoy Menya Itto 麺屋 一燈1 4 17 Higashishinkoiwa Katsushika 124 0023 TokyoNiboshi Tsukemen Miyamoto 煮干しつけ麺 宮元7 8 1 Nishikamata Tokyo Ota ku Fu unji Ramen 風雲児2 14 3 Yoyogi Shibuya ku TokyoFilmed On



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