A week of healthy-ish vegan food for the lazy commuter college student

by emily ewing

A week of healthy-ish vegan food for the lazy commuter college student


there is always a few small things I eat forget to film like grabbing a few nuts or a small piece of candy or something when i m hungry immediately but I don t think it matters so much to include because the point of these videos is not to document my personal diet but to give you guys ideas etc Where did you buy your _________ FILMED ON Canon PowerShot G7X Mark II Canon 70D EDITED ON Final Cut Pro XW A T E R M A R K M U S I C U S E D




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あずきは人工保育していた事もあり、とっても人に慣れている子になりました(*´∀`*) じっとはしていませんが、触ってもそんなに驚かないし、嫌がらないし。 さらには、モコそっくりの気持ちいお顔! 赤ちゃんの頃から、気持ちいいお顔をしてくれる事に驚きました!


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動画を楽しみにしてくている方々2日もお待たせしてすみません! 近々、仕事で県外に行くのでその準備でばたばたしていました^^; あと、ツイッターでのお休み報告を忘れてすみません!猛省します…。

How to: Tomato Egg | Chinese B...

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►View written recipe 📝: https://futuredish.com/tomato-egg-stirfry-iconic-chinese-breakfast-item/ ►Buy Banchan Plate from Gochujar ...


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hey guys! Today I wanted to remove my makeup and just hang out and chat about my current skincare routine, I got a skincare fridge...