[ENG CC] 모두가 좋아하는 고추장제육볶음 : Ko...
- 매콤하게 볶아진 제육볶음 하나면 메뉴 걱정 끝! 어떤 날에도 잘 어울리는 고추장 제육볶음이랍니다. 밥에 쓱쓱 비벼 먹어도, 안주로 곁들여도 참 좋죠. 깻잎을 활용해 예쁘게 플레이팅하면 초대요리로도 손색없답니다.
This year we came to Verga again Aty was very excited about the fresh rainbow trout Last year we couldn t swim because the path down to the Ojira River was blocked off after a typhoon but this year we were able to swim The rainbow trout that Aty eats are farmed There were a lot of people in the river that day so I checked with the staff to make sure that Aty was allowed to swim in the river too just in case Thanks to the staff for appearing in the video Last year s verga adventureAty still looks like a child when I watch this video Click here to see the place we visited this time Verga Aty Shop is here You can buy Aty Shirt pillows mugs or etc at hereInstagram Facebook Twitter Blog AmazonList Japan otter Aty Mr Cat
- 매콤하게 볶아진 제육볶음 하나면 메뉴 걱정 끝! 어떤 날에도 잘 어울리는 고추장 제육볶음이랍니다. 밥에 쓱쓱 비벼 먹어도, 안주로 곁들여도 참 좋죠. 깻잎을 활용해 예쁘게 플레이팅하면 초대요리로도 손색없답니다.
Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. Be...
皆さんおはようございます! 【今朝こは】を撮りおえ、さて編集!と思ったら 片付け忘れたSwitchの箱が後ろに!なにこの存在感・・・。 小春より気になるんですけど!! Kohachannel LINE着せ替えはこちら https://store.line.me...
Hi everyone,
久しぶりの動画は甘えてのんびりな猫たち。12月になって寒くなってきたけど、体調大丈夫ですか?うちの猫たちはみんな相変わらずです♫ 動画のご視聴とコメント👍ありがとうございます。
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