【文青版 / 環保杯袋】手鉤DIY
這次來完成 另一種收納方式的環保杯袋 使用單色棉線鉤織 適合台灣四季天候使用 作品尺寸 可用於大杯的手搖杯
JayLee is a specialized watercolor artist Jay is showing how to paint flowers nature and other techniques on the various tutorials offered Inspired by Dima Dmitriev Channel Membership Please become a member of my channel You can buy me a cup of coffee I do this as my full time job so your support is very much appreciated 안녕하세요 제이입니다 저는 한국사람이고요 제 그림 영상은 미국 독일을 비롯해 많은 외국사람들이 봐주세요 그래도 몇몇 한국 분들이 댓글 달아 주시는데 너무너무 감사드립니다 哈囉 大家好 我來自韓國 因為老婆是台灣人 所以住在台灣 我的影片內容是教大家使用水彩畫及介紹不同的畫畫方法 謝謝你們的觀看 MusicEasy Day by Kevin MacLeodMesmerize by Kevin MacLeod Inspired by Dima Dmitriev ContactsIG FB jayartpaintingE mail tkstoryman hotmail com If you have any questions please feel free to contact me
這次來完成 另一種收納方式的環保杯袋 使用單色棉線鉤織 適合台灣四季天候使用 作品尺寸 可用於大杯的手搖杯
A video 7 weeks in the making, this video shows a few propagation techniques that are very successful. The propagation methods sho...
これから出来れば毎週ライブ配信していきます\(^o^)/ 時間帯や日にちはみんなと相談して決めようと思うよ〜♡
HEY EVERYONE... Welcome BACK to my channel! Today I have the amazing and talented makeup artist Mmmmitchell here all the way from ...
저의 메인직업은 케이크선생님입니다 :) 그 중에서도 플라워케이크 작업을 오랜시간 해오고 있어요.
大家好!在本教程中,我將嘗試一下我最近在Instagram上看到的設計... 3d貝殼釘子!不需要助洗劑凝膠或丙烯酸粉末!我做了這個平原浸泡凝膠!如果您嘗試嘗試,請確保您在重新創建時標記我
Link to materials: http://bit.ly/2vw46Z8
ラウンドファスナー長財布 作ってみた&作り方 How to make fabric wallet long wallet with zipper ラウンドファスナー式ロングウォレット
We grew a garden just for our hamster, watch him explore it for the very first time! Check out the pinned comment for more informa...
Шаблон https://ibb.co/RYj1F1B
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