Amazing Bunny Tricks- The Gong Show- Advanced Rabbit Tricks

by Bini the Bunny

Amazing Bunny Tricks- The Gong Show- Advanced Rabbit Tricks


What you are about to watch is a one take video of Bini the Bunny doing a routine that was sent in to ABC for The Gong Show After reviewing Bini s YouTube channel Bini and Shai were asked to perform on TV Could Bini act the same on a big stage with a live audience and a live band as he did at home It was never done outside of YouTube So scary wish us luck We are hoping to not get gonged It s the first time a rabbit will be on a talent show Check out more of Bini s favorite videos Bunny Rabbit BunnyTricks RabbitTricks Follow Bini the Bunny for the Latest Updates and become an official Bini Hopper



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