Angel of The Valley - The Savoir-Faire of the Making


Angel of The Valley - The Savoir-Faire of the Making


BUDISM COUTURE creates haute couture of the highest level of artisanship and uncompromising luxury The Savoir Faire of the Making documents the process behind the creation of the Angel of the Valley couture dress inspired by 100 year old heirloom porcelain tea cups and the Lily of the Valley flowers www budism com



のせ猫 x 2匹の鬼 Devil Cat

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而不是使用油漆,日本鑲嵌木裝飾均採用了天然細顆粒和木材的紋理。首先,木材被切成所需截面的桿,棒,然後膠合在一起以形成幾何設計圖案的部分。表面被切成木材薄板,其被粘貼到盒子等手工藝作品。這種馬賽克般的藝術起源在日本的江戶時代(17 19世紀),但仍尊重世界各地。

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