【かぎ針編み】ふわもこニット帽の編み方/Crochet be...
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Thanks Shoptagr for sponsoring today s video S U B S C R I B E INSTA TWITTER FB itsjessicabraunFTC DISCLAIMER This video is sponsored by Shoptagr This post does contain affiliate or referral links which means that if you purchase anything through the use of my links I receive a small commission B I N G E W O R T H Y P L A Y L I S T S R E F E R R A L L I N K S Using these links means I make a small commission M E N T I O N E D Using these links means I make a small commission Becca Zero Face Lip Glass Highlighter 24Becca Zero No Pigment Foundation 36PYT Beauty Everyday Powder Blush 22Pacifica Twinkle Paint Liquid Shadow 12Smashbox The Mindful 5 Custom Glow Lip Balm 18Smashbox The Mindful 5 Nourishing Face Primer Serum 42Harry Potter x Ulta Lip Crayon 10Harry Potter x Ulta Deathly Hallows Brush Kit 25Covergirl TruNaked Quads 10 99Makeup Revolution Flick and Go Eyeliner 9Colourpop Pretty Fresh Foundation 16L oreal Gold Mirage Eyeshadow 12 99Iconic London Prep Set Glow Hydrating Spray 27Drunk Elephant E Rase Milki Micellar Water 28KVD Beauty Shake Primer 22Patrick Ta Major Beauty Headlines Double Take Blush 34 M O R E I N F O EMAIL for Business jessicabraunbusiness gmail comMusic BenSound com or Youtube Audio Library antihaul newmakeup drugstoremakeup
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Link do vídeo da francesinha: https://youtu.be/Ut_HGQpateE
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