APRIL 2020 Plan With Me // Bullet Journal Monthly Setup

by Journal Away

APRIL 2020 Plan With Me // Bullet Journal Monthly Setup


Here s my April 2020 Bullet Journal Plan With Me video In this monthly setup I decided to go with some spring vibes and my inspiration was especially the time after the snows have melted everywhere and nature becomes alive again I was feeling some bigger landscape paintings after awhile and creating everything on this April bullet journal theme was so much fun I dedicated some pages on my bullet journal this month to planning and setting up a new morning routine as well as the 2nd quarter planning of this year I know this month has been very rough for many of us so I feel like bullet journaling has a more important role than ever and trying to focus on the normal everyday stuff having a place to write down your thoughts and emotions and a way to spend time on something that brings you joy are so incredibly important I pre recorded this video at the end of February before all of this craziness was going on so if I recorded it again now I would definitely add a big self care section on this monthly theme I truly think that sprinkling joy happiness and laughter in the middle of the darkest times brings us so much strength and positivity to hold our head high and face the struggles with a braver heart I hope all of you re safe and well and I also really hope this April bullet journal plan with me video brought you joy and gave you new ideas BOOK RECOMMENDATION Good Morning Good Life by Amy Landino you can find her from Youtube For all of you fellow non morning people wanting to master your morning routines THE TOOLS I USED Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Paints 12 color set Winsor Newton 300 gsm Cold Pressed Watercolor Paper Canson cold pressed Watercolor paper A4 cheaper alternative Scotch Double Sided Tape Sakura Pigma Microns 005 01 08 Uni Posca White Marker Uniball Signo White Gel Pen Zig Clean Color Real Brush Pen in 098 Pale Dawn Gray ZIG Clean Color Real Brush No 042 Turquoise Green Tombow Dual Brush Pen No 92 Sand My Amazon links are affiliate links which means I earn a small commission if you shop through my links I appreciate a lot if you do so since it helps me to continue doing these videos Others Ruler I ve bought this probably 7 years ago from my local stationery store I have no idea which brand this is Brown craft paper is from my local art bookstore any craft paper will work Nail Polish KL Polish Point Zero two coats STICKERS PRINTS AND DIGITAL DOWNLOADS My Etsy shop Here you can find stickers digital download versions of some of my themes and some printables of my artsy pages However please never feel like you need to buy anything from me to show support Your time your comments encouragement questions that all means more to me than I ll ever be able to explain so this is just totally optional for those of you who ve been asking for it MUSIC From epidemicsound com MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram journal away Pinterest journalawayFor business inquiries please email me at anna journalaway gmail com Hello everybody My name is Anna and I m a young woman from Finland with wild dreams I started bullet journaling in March 2018 and I m completely in love If you share the same hobby grab your journal sit back and Journal Away with me JournalAway BulletJournal Sponsored




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