The LONGEST hair I have EVER d...
I met this beautiful girl about 2 years ago and was captivated by her hair. I tracked her down via instagram and asked her if I co...
影片中使用的產品都在資訊欄 M A C 發光萬能霜 PinkliteVDL 貝殼提亮妝前乳蘭蔻 絕對完美玫瑰氣墊粉餅 110M A C 超持妝無瑕粉底液 NC15Rimmel 藍罐 120蘿拉蜜絲 晶亮蜜粉covermark 柔 紗 極光蜜粉 影片內打錯字了 對不起各位CARE 臉部專用痱子粉蘿拉蜜絲 夢露煙燻眼彩筆innisfree 單顆眼影KIKO 顯色乾濕兩用單顆眼影 Freelance Model Youtuber 邀稿 任何形式拍攝 lordrings107 gmail com 我在逼哩逼哩有官方帳號 不要再搬運我影片了
I met this beautiful girl about 2 years ago and was captivated by her hair. I tracked her down via instagram and asked her if I co...
바삭하고 고소한 크로칸슈를 만들었어요! ▼▽▼▽구독하고~ 좋아요!누르고 공유 부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽ 더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥For more detailed recipes, please cli...
Sushi cooking idea, a new style of sushi pressed sushi with provocative high reaching nori walls. This video will show you how to...
Trispi is another tangle by Mary Burrows, a wonderful grid tangle you will love the effect and simple beauty of this tangle. Mary...
富山県にある譲渡型保護猫カフェ【月猫カフェ】さんのところに行ってきました。 みんな幸せになってほしいものです。 興味のある方は一度【月猫カフェ】で検索してみてください! 自分もわずかではありますが支援になればと思い缶バッジを二つ買いました。 とても素敵な空間で...
헤링본 스티치로 뜨는 크로스백 코바늘 가방입니다. 코바늘 초보자도 천천히 헤링본 스티치 익혀 보세요~ crochet herringbone stitch crossbody bag. 헤링본 손잡이도 달린 미니가방으로 크기 조절해서 떠보셔도...
In my picture today, I combine the colors black and white with a pink. Even if you have never painted a picture, you will succeed ...
Gen found a baby fox stuck in the fence of her backyard. She managed to free him, but it soon became clear that the fox’s mom desp...
甘えん坊のコハクですが、特に甘えたい時のかわいい仕草です チャンネル登録宜しくお願いします!
私の編み方が独特なので簡単な説明なので😅 はじめて、かぎ針編みをする方は↓下に、 分かりやすい動画をアップしておきます🙇♀️💕
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