Baby Squirrel grew up and Climbs all over me

by A Chick Called Albert

Baby Squirrel grew up and Climbs all over me


Hello Everyone finally we re back With our sweet little squirrel friend getting his name at last This video had to go first to finish what we started before we can go on with the smallest horse I ve ever seen new baby squirrels a bat and a lot of new birds that needed help Thank you so much for staying with us In my personal life for those of you interested a lot has happened A divorce moving twice yep also with all the animals and much too soon unexpectedly and suddenly having to say goodbye to the sweetest wisest and most non judgmental friend I have my father Meanwhile I ve been going on filming and taking care of a lot of animal friends that were in need of saving Also some nice egg projects in the incubator as we speak so it will be a nice new season coming up Before you decide to acquire a Japanese squirrel too please realize that they need a giant aviary a lot of care and at least an hour playtime daily also a year after you got them Cameras used Canon EOSD7 I Phone 8 plus Sony HDR NX 30 Songs Spring Morning by Peter SandbergFinklestein s Walk In The Rain by Per Anders NilssonRue De La Swing by John ÅhlinREM Sleep by Sam WedgwoodHarmonic Thinking by Terry Devine KingFair City Escapade by Andrew Skeet and Nathan KleinMorning good Morning by Lincoln Grounds and Pat ReyfordMusic through Epidemic Sound and Audio Network



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