モンブランチョコ生クリーム 530円【クレープ】本格的なクレ...
Purchase my eBooks here Snapchat thedomesticgeekHarvest Stuffed Sweet Potato2 sweet potatoes 1 cup kale chopped and massaged in 1 tsp olive oil¼ cup goat cheese crumbled¼ cup dried cranberries¼ cup walnuts chopped2 tsp honey or balsamic glazeUsing a fork carefully pierce the skin of the sweet potatoes all over Rub with oil and season with salt to taste Place on a non stick baking sheet and bake at 350ºF for approximately 1 hour or until fork tender Allow to cool slightly before handling Cut sweet potatoes in half and using a fork fluff the insides of the potato Stuff with kale and top with goat cheese dried cranberries and walnuts Drizzle with honey or balsamic glaze Enjoy Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes2 sweet potatoes2 cups chicken cooked and shredded½ cup hot sauce¼ cup celery finely diced½ cup crumbled blue cheeseUsing a fork carefully pierce the skin of the sweet potatoes all over Rub with oil and season with salt to taste Place on a non stick baking sheet and bake at 350ºF for approximately 1 hour or until fork tender Allow to cool slightly before handling Cut sweet potatoes in half and using a fork fluff the insides of the potato In a medium bowl combine chicken and hot sauce Stuff potatoes with buffalo chicken mixture and top with celery and crumbled blue cheese Bake at 400ºF for 8 10 minutes or until chicken is hot and blue cheese has softened Enjoy Jalapeno Popper Stuffed Potato2 sweet potatoes¾ cup cream cheese¼ cup bacon crumbled¼ cup pickled jalapeños¼ cup green onions thinly sliced½ cup cheddar cheese shreddedUsing a fork carefully pierce the skin of the sweet potatoes all over Rub with oil and season with salt to taste Place on a non stick baking sheet and bake at 350ºF for approximately 1 hour or until fork tender Allow to cool slightly before handling Cut sweet potatoes in half and using a fork fluff the insides of the potato In a medium bowl mix together cream cheese bacon pickled jalapenos and green onion Set aside Stuff with cream cheese mixture and top with cheddar cheese Bake at 400ºF for 7 10 minutes or until cheese is completely melted Enjoy SOME links provided above are affiliate links
#猫 #子猫 #ぽてと #cat #kitten
Hand embroidery designs for the blouse, Kameez, top neck #handembroidery #borderembroidery
annas(アンナス) / 刺繍作家・刺しゅうイラストレーター http://twutea.web.fc2.com/ ネットショップ Atelier アンナとラパン http://atelierlapin.handcrafted.jp/ 質問の宛先 annas...
Parrots having fun 😂 Subscribe http://bit.ly/FunnyPetMedia for weekly videos!
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ネズミのおもちゃが大好きな秀吉が持って行けないイライラを椅子にぶつける様子がかわいいです^^ 持って行けたときの満足そうな歩き方が何とも言えない雰囲気を漂わせています♬
ネコ吉のシャンプー後のお風呂での様子です。 かけ湯がとても気持ち良かったみたいです。 ちなみに毎回シャンプー後に猫達を入浴させるのは、お顔を拭き拭きするのもそうですが、濡れた被毛を乾かすのに少々時間が掛かり、その間に体が冷えてしまう為、少し体を温めて寒がらない...
The Junihitoe is a 12-Layered ceremonial kimono from the Heian era! It is very heavy, and SUPER expensive. One Japanese person tol...
(ペーパークラフト)リンゴの作り方【DIY】(Paper craft) How to make apple 今回は画用紙で作りましたが、折り紙やコピー用紙でも作れるので、色々な色のリンゴが作れると思います。簡単に作れて可愛いので子供達にも大人気!!
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