A summer fairys makeup Vivek...
♥ My instagram: http://instagram.com/vivekatt
Banana Cake香蕉蛋糕香蕉 banana 3 200g黄砂糖 brown sugar 40g 5Tbsp蜂蜜 honey 40g 2Tbsp溶化奶油 melted butter 100g 8Tbsp全蛋 egg 2低筋面粉 cake flour 200g 1 2 3cup泡打粉 baking powder 1tsp香蕉 banana 3糖霜 icing sugarsquare mold 20cm x 20cm x 4cm 方模170c Bake 30 35minutes170度摄氏 烤 30 35分钟请订阅Please subscribe Facebook page YouTube channel ApronYouTube channel Men Kitchen 男人煮艺
♥ My instagram: http://instagram.com/vivekatt
【オススメ動画】 寝込んだ主人を見舞うインコたち https://youtu.be/UQ7YBA5WAwo
因有人詢問先前文章幫朋友做的花磚拆解作法,這款是我找真的花磚之後稍微改過的簡約版(笑) ,因為我不喜歡畫很規矩的東西,所以一直沒有想要畫太複雜的花磚款式,但朋友要去西班牙思來想去還是覺得這個蠻適合的,就用天然石的色調改了一下最後出來的效果還不錯! 這款就是畫而...
On a steamy day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian actress and model Débora Nascimento shares the tricks and techniques behind her gorge...
Raagi Sangati & Natu Kodi Pulusu By Mastanamma
I brought an entire suitcase of weird products back from Thailand, these are the best and weirdest of them all. xo's ~ Tati 😇 TR...
Hello there! I really tried to make this video shorter, but i couldn't do it without cutting off parts of the process, so I hope y...
●今回はニュアンスアートの応用編です。 ニュアンスとグラデーションの入門編をご覧いただくとより解りやすいです。⬇️⬇️⬇️
크리스마스 리스 액자만들기 Christmas embroidery frame
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