カワウソのビンゴさんは今日お休みです。ベルがトイレを完全に習得しました。ビンゴのウン○を拭き取ったニオイから察知したようです。今でも100%トイレでしますよ! ただ1つビンゴは絶対に汚物を踏まないのですがベルは避けずにふみふみします。 自分を囲むように回りなが...
Original Painting using a Palette Knife and Brush by Dusan MalobabicBefore Dark Oil Painting on Canvas 10 x 12 inches 25 x 30 cmAbout MeMy name is Dusan Malobabic and I m a father of two lovely boys and am living and working as a painter in Perth Western Australia Ever since I can remember I have drawn and painted and told people when I grow up I want to be an artist It started when I was three years old and scribbled throughout Mums not quite out of reach phone pad Reinforced itself when I completed my BA Fine Art Painting from the Victorian College of the Arts and continues to this day I hope you enjoy my paintings and thanks for looking
カワウソのビンゴさんは今日お休みです。ベルがトイレを完全に習得しました。ビンゴのウン○を拭き取ったニオイから察知したようです。今でも100%トイレでしますよ! ただ1つビンゴは絶対に汚物を踏まないのですがベルは避けずにふみふみします。 自分を囲むように回りなが...
DON'T FORGET TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY! Expand for the rules :)
In need of a website? Make it with squarespace! https://www.squarespace.com/minarome I'm already back with 4 easy and tasty vegan ...
Lucy's Workshop Thanks for watching!!!! Please subscribe and like my video:)
お父さんをペロペロ、カミカミするオデコがかわいです^^ ギュッと抱きしめる様子に癒されます♪
Hand Embroidery: modern flower stitch| #Fantasy Flower Stitch Dear Viewer, Hope you are enjoying my video.
DIY crafts: Paper Flowers (daisies) - Innova Crafts
Hand embroidery. Borderline embroidery design. Embroidery design for dresses. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe for furthe...
What Working From Home With My Needy Husky Looks Like!
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