Black Truffle Pizza

by ByronTalbott

Black Truffle Pizza


BUSINESS INQUIRY byronlovesfood gmail comMAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356MOST USED TOOLS INGREDIENTS Dough 1 4 cup water2 tbsp olive oil1 tsp white truffle oil1 4 cup milk1 tbsp truffle honey or regular honey1 tbsp dry active yeast1 1 2 cups bread flour plus 4 5 tbsp for dusting 2 tsp saltBechamel 4 tbsp butter1 tbsp minced onions1 3 cup flour1 cup milk3 tbsp parmesan1 tsp with truffle oil4 5 tbsp grated black trufflessalt to taste



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