Blue Lagoon Necklace

by Bronzepony Beaded Jewelry

Blue Lagoon Necklace


Join me on Facebook In Spirer Facebook GroupMy 14x22 inch bead mat Coupon Code BRONZEPONY10Materials 2 Head Pins 21 or 22 gauge gunmetal2 Eye Pins 21 or 22 gauge gunmetal21 or 22 Gauge Wire base metal4mm 6mm and 8mm Jump Rings gunmetal silver3 Ring Connector TierracastChain 4mm roloClasp of your choiceCharmsBeads 4mm 6mm 7mm Round Druks Bicones Ffire Polished etc Focal bead or Component20mm Cabochon if using componentWire Cutters RoundNosed Pliers Flat Nosed PliersLinks to Websites I used to purchase my beads All beads were available at the time I created this video Prices are not necessarily the best so search for best discounts I DO NOT have connections to these sites or get paid for mentioning them This is to make is easier for you to find the materials if needed Link to Dollar Bead Club Beads findings focal bead components All Findings clasps head pins eye pins jump ringsMy tool kit Clasp Tierracast 3 ring Connector Tierracast Beads20mm CabochonBeadsRolo ChainSome Bead Websites I like



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