Buying a Knockoff of My Own Dress: An Educated Roast (actual fire used for Scientific Purposes)

by Bernadette Banner

Buying a Knockoff of My Own Dress: An Educated Roast (actual fire used for Scientific Purposes)


I mentioned a few wonderful ethical slow fashion brands and small artists which you should definitely go check out Also leave some of your faves or yourself below because hurrah for excellent craftsfolk Fancy Fairy Wings ThingsVanyaniswww vanyanis comI didn t directly mention them but one of the brands most heavily stolen from by the same website was Armstreet I actually have several pieces from them and can personally recommend www armstreet com Not mentioned but as always a shout to my faves at American Duchess small scale historical reproduction footwear www americanduchess comBarrage of Footnotes or some interesting reads on the impacts of fast fashion Portals to Other Realms FOR BUSINESS ENQUIRIES shabbycabbageLLC gmail com Requests for personal dressmaking commissions are not considered at this time MUSIC Marty Gots a Plan Kevin MacLeod incompetech com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3 0 License



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赤ちゃんの頃のハナは遊び疲れては色んな場所で寝落ちしてしまい、どこで寝てるのか部屋中探したりすることもありました。 そんなハナも今ではコタローか飼い主が近くにいないと寝ようとしない超寂しがり屋の甘えん坊さんのかまってちゃんのデストロイヤーになっています。

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