Candied Sweet Potatoes (Traditional Healthy Japanese Vegan Snacks Recipe) | OCHIKERON

by ochikeron

Candied Sweet Potatoes (Traditional Healthy Japanese Vegan Snacks Recipe) | OCHIKERON


Crispy outside soft inside Usually we deep fry the sweet potatoes but in this video I will show you how to make it in a frying pan Quick Easy and Delicious We call this snack Daigakuimo 大学芋 literally University Potatoes in Japanese because it was popular among University students in 1900 s Candied Sweet Potatoes Traditional Healthy Japanese Vegan Snacks Recipe Difficulty VERY EasyTime 15 minNumber of servings n aIngredients 400g about 1lb Japanese sweet potato4 tbsp sugar regular white sugar brown sugar honey maple syrup etc are ok1 2 tsp soy sauce1 2 tsp vinegar or lemon juice interfering agent to prevent crystallization2 tsp toasted black sesame seeds4 tbsp cooking oilDirections 1 Wash the sweet potato with the skin cut into bite size pieces soak in water for 5 minutes to remove starch and prevent stop oxidation color change Drain well and remove excess water with paper towels 2 Place the sweet potatoes in a frying pan add cooking oil cover and cook on medium for 3 minutes Flip them over cover and cook another 3 minutes 3 Insert a bamboo skewer to check if the potatoes are done Remove the oil from the pan using paper towels Add sugar soy sauce vinegar or lemon juice When the sugar melts and coats the sweet potatoes stop the heat and sprinkle with black sesame seeds レシピ 日本語 Music byYouTube Audio LibraryStallingFollow me on social media If you have recreated any of my food you can share some pictures ochikeron I am always happy to see them FOLLOW ME HERE My COOKBOOK available on Amazon Kindle NO MORE hard copies those who got one are lucky More Written Recipes are on my BLOG My Recipe Posts in Japanese and of course PLEASE SUBSCRIBE




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