CATS should have hired REAL MAKEUP ARTISTS instead of CGI | PatrickStarrr

by PatrickStarrr

CATS should have hired REAL MAKEUP ARTISTS instead of CGI | PatrickStarrr


I was in CATS in high school and there was some magic about live performance There should have been real makeup in the movie instead of CGI Hope you enjoy the makeup by Cig and Rannie XoxoPatrickStarrrFollow Cig and Ran TikTok RanCigCats the movie stars Taylor Swift Jennifer Hudson James Corden Idris Elba Judi Dench Ian McKellen Rebel Wilson Jason Derulo Francesca Hayward Follow Me and chat with me on Social Media I N S T A G R A M T W I T T E R F A C E B O O KT I K T O KPATRICKSTARRRS N A P C H A T PSTARRRsnapsMAIL ME STUFF PatrickStarrr2355 Westwood Blvd 430 Los Angeles CA 90064 2109 COUPON CODES MORPHE BRUSHES 10 OFFUse Code PSTARRR Make sure you use ALL CAPS TARTE COSMETICS 15 OFFUse Code PSTARRRLILLY LASHES 10 OFFUse Code PSTARRRLISTEN TO MY MUSIC GOT THE GLAMDON T




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