Street Food in Nice, France. C...
Chanel s Les Beiges collections are all about enhancing your natural beauty with a healthy glow Their latest launch includes a unique water fresh tint nine pan neutral eyeshadow palette and beautiful brick red lip balm Have you tried any Les Beiges products before Follow me on Instagram matildaonvideoSubscribe for new videos every week Much more beauty and travel content to come Matilda xPRODUCTS MORE LES BEIGESMENTIONED WHAT I M WEARINGTECHVanguard Alta Pro 2 TripodApogee MiC 96kDISCLAIMERThis video is not sponsored Links marked with are affiliate links which means I receive a small percentage of commission on items purchased through the link at no extra cost to you Commission plays no part in my decision to feature a product and gifted items will always be disclosed This channel is simply a place where I share my travels and products I enjoy using
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【猫達が住む猫専用部屋のライブ映像です】猫部屋には他に3台のライブカメラがあります。 猫が映っていなければ【猫ハウス1・2、キャットタワー・キャットウォーク】に居るかもしれません。 *猫は活発で気まぐれな生き物ですので、常にカメラの前にいるとは限りません。
嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre,今天的『食不相瞞』我們要來煮一鍋經典美味的法式洋蔥湯 (La Soupe à l'oignon gratinée, French Onion Soup recipe),準備好要暖心暖胃暖手腳了嗎?
Las Fiestas Navideñas ya casi están aquí y nosotros hemos decidido comenzar a prepararnos con tiempo. Hoy realizaremos una precios...
キャンディ3種作りました。 観て頂けたら嬉しいですヽ(^o^)丿
Designed for the beginning cake decorator -- or for those who have never received formal training in proper cake preparation -- th...
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