by AlmazanKitchen



Yes and yes It s the Gỏi cuốn Cold Roll Of course not everyone knows this dish s original name let s call it just Vietnamese Spring Rolls And before you start the raid in the comment section about it s being fried and not served cold and ingredients not being purely Vietnamese We here at Almazan Kitchen like to mix up ingredients and techniques to make any dish multi cultural Connect through the food Feel free to repeat the recipe and change something accordingly to your taste Food is an art do not forget about it What would you like to add or remove as an ingredient Share your thoughts in the comment section PRE ORDER ORIGINAL ALMAZAN KITCHEN KNIFE WITH 50 OFF THE PRICE Ingredients Rice paper FillingHelp our channel to improve Follow us Special thanks to Danko Vukovic and Luxury Tandoors for huge support on Patreon



【曼食慢语】咦,这些冰品,我怎么越吃越醉? *4K

  • by 曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes 1544

现在这种天气真的啥也不想干,就想躺着吃冰,已经热到吃冰激凌都会觉得腻了,所以我做了三款水果味的、加了果酒的、没有乳脂或含量很低的冰品,加一点点酒能让冰品有种特别清凉的感觉,爱吃冰小仙女也不用担心热量太高啦! ————————————————————————— ...

你對自己的素顏有信心嗎? feat.妮維雅|Astor

  • by 街頭時尚Astor 983

之前被邵雨薇點名卸妝挑戰,這次就來完成挑戰,順便跟大家分享我對素顏的想法 在我的FB粉絲團留言上傳你的「自信素顏照」,就可以抽妮維雅涵氧卸妝水不挑款→

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Preview jewelry set inspired by sea waves with spherical stone and half round cabochon - Ideas jewelry from copper wire of Lan Anh...

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