Japanese dessert Chewy Dango with sweet salty mitarashi sauce Ingredients 20 25 dango 120g glutinous rice flour 100mL water gradually added 150mL water 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 1 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons mirin 2 tablespoons corn flour Recipe 1 Combine glutinous rice flour and water Gradually add water until it becomes a soft dough 2 Roll it into round shape and boil the dango 3 When the dango comes up to the surface it is a sign that it is cooked 4 Transfer the dango into water 5 Once cooled transferred dango onto a plate 6 Cook dango on hotplate until surface is slightly cooked 7 In a sauce pan combine water sugar soy sauce mirin and corn flour 8 Put sauce pan on medium heat and stir until thickened 9 Pour thickened sauce on dango 10 Ready to enjoy 材料 20 25個分 白玉粉 120g 水 100mL 少しずつ加える 水 150mL 醤油 大さじ2 砂糖 大さじ1 1 2 みりん 大さじ2 片栗粉 大さじ2 レシピ 1 白玉粉に少しずつ水を加え 耳たぶの硬さになるまで混ぜ合わせる 2 合わさったものを丸め 熱湯で茹でる 3 お団子が浮いてきたら 水にあげ 冷めたらお皿に移す 4 お団子の表面をホットプレートで軽く焼く 5 鍋に水 砂糖 醤油 みりん 片栗粉を入れ 混ぜ合わせたら中火にかける 6 とろみがつくまで 混ぜる 7 とろみがついたら お団子にかけ出来上がり Find me also on Instagram sora_monnom Music Creative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0
HI SISTERS! Bob Ross was an iconic painter who changed the art industry by bringing tutorials to television. My love for makeup ca...
In this video I will show how to make a basket of jute and cardboard with my own hands. This is a simple idea that you can easily ...
所有曝光的單品: 第一套 (THE FUTURE IS FEMALE) 上衣: Prince Peter https://bit.ly/2zCkZls 褲子: CHUU 帽子: ZARA 外套: H&M
A steak takes as much salt as it needs.
There's a first time for everything and this drag transformation makeover is more than a memorable first!
Whatsss up! Screen printing using stuff you can find at home:) Get SKILLSHARE 3 months free!: http://skl.sh/shmoxd3.
レジンクラフト©材料専門店 A BEADS MAMA http://www.beadsmama.com
華麗なるキャットジャンプ?Splendid cat jump?
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