Dosirak with stir-fried potato...
Another easy, simple recipe that doesn’t require any special ingredients, just potato, ham, and onion! Full recipe:
Jian Bing Guo Zi 煎饼果子 is and ancient Chinese dish and is still to this day the most popular street food item in all of China Here s the recipe and how to make it Ingredients Sauce1 5 tbsp sweet bean paste2 tsp hot coil½ tsp garlic powder½ tsp white pepper2 tsp sriracha 1 tsp pickled relishDough1 cup all purpose flour⅔ cut of green bean flour or millet flour2 cups water Guo Zi1 cup all purpose flour2 tsp baking soda1 tsp salt½ cup water My favorite cookware FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA If you made this recipe snap a pic and tag mikexingchen and hashtag it cookwithmikey We d love to see your creations on Instagram Equipment I use for filming
Another easy, simple recipe that doesn’t require any special ingredients, just potato, ham, and onion! Full recipe:
Follow us on Instagram: Largest litter of baby bunnies that I've ever had! Cora is a H...
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初のライブ配信形式にした ネイルアート動画です。
Dad was broken hearted until tiny rescue puppies came into his life
Cow Plays Fetch Just Like A Dog | This cow makes the cutest little grunts when he’s playing fetch with Mom 💚
This week we're celebrating the 200th episode of Binging with Babish with...a pretty normal episode, since I didn't realize it was...
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