Keep Food Fresh with Produce-S...
These food saving containers created by Hutzler are shaped like the produce they hold. They keep cut fruit and vegetables fresh lo...
Ingredients 材料 125g 1 2 cup butter 牛油 55g 1 4cup caster sugar 细砂糖 1 egg 鸡蛋 grade A1 4 tsp vanilla essence 香草精 200g 1 1 2 cups plain flour 普通面粉 1 4 tsp baking soda 苏打粉 1 8 tsp salt 盐 20g 3 tbsp milk powder 奶粉 Bake in a preheated oven at 170 C for 12 15 minuets 放入预热烤箱以170 C上下火烤12 15分钟
These food saving containers created by Hutzler are shaped like the produce they hold. They keep cut fruit and vegetables fresh lo...
i needed to find a way to get my creative juices flowing with the least amount of stress so i came up with this simple watercolor/...
In today's nail tutorial, April will be showing you 5 different ways to shape your nails. She will show you how to shape your nail...
We wanted to share with you all a summer inspired bedroom. This was one of the more colorful styles that we have done. We usually ...
おもちゃを咥えると、鈴を鳴らし続けちゃうはな。When Hana has a toy in her mouth, she keeps ringing a bell.
Get the same vacuum cleaner from Amazon here: Bini the Bunny is at it again, in this video, Bini cleans u...
※2019年のあなたの好きなねこかます動画投票、やっております。 ⇨ 簡単な登場猫紹介
It’s finally here! Swatching all seven Glossier Skywash shades and sharing my application tips for this sheer matte shadow. They h...
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Свадебные прически на длинные и средние волосы.Wedding hairstyles for long and medium hair :
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